Parents Month is just a few hours away. Why not get this out of the way? We have been working on the value word RESPECT for the last four weeks. This value still needs to be reinforce as we go along. It was a walk in the park for some of our icons and an uphill task for too many of our icons? Being respectful as well as being respected are paramount.
New Value Word
Our value word of focus will be HARDWORK for the month of November. I am discerning that it will be a learning curve for many of our icons and their parents.
If you are in the western part of Jamaica, you will certainly find it increasingly difficult to inculcate the values of hard work in your children if you wait any longer to do so. Your children, if they haven’t yet understood the concept of scamming with do as soon as they enter high school.
The prevalence of scamming among other things have caused many to frown upon the very thought of hard work. The ‘do little to gain much’ principle is spreading like virus. We, parents and educators, must vaccinate our children now against contracting this virus-like tendency and frequently provide booster shots to maintain their immunity.
We Want Industrious Children, But…
Although many parents want industrious children who value hard work, not many of them are as intentional as is necessary in teaching the values necessary to make it stick. For the next thirty days, let us work together to become expert in raising children who will value hard work.
Subscribe and keep up with the journey. Share the articles and nuggets with your friends who have children up to 15 years older than your children. Since you don’t know who they will marry, sow the seeds you would want in your future in-laws or your children’s future friends or neighbours.